Electronic Filing of documents

Pursuant to the Illinois Supreme Court, electronic filing in Civil & Family cases has been mandated since 2018.  All new Civil & Family cases and all documents filed into existing Civil & Family cases must be filed electronically through the statewide eFileIL platform. 

McHenry County accepts Criminal, Traffic & Juvenile documents electronically through i2File using the non EFM filing option at the top of the i2File home page. 

Visit the links below for information on how to EFile as well as how to choose an E-File Service Provider (EFSP).  Illinois Supreme Court Rule 9(c)(4) allows for an exemption from E-Filing for good cause. If you are unable to E-File complete a Certificate for Exemption from E-Filing form and include it with your paper filing

The McHenry County Circuit Clerk offers public E-Filing Stations, including a computer and scanner, which are available during regular business hours on the first and third floors of the Courthouse, outside Room 136 and Room 353.  

Email your E-Filing questions to [email protected].



How to start e-filing

Select an E-File Service Provider (EFSP). An EFSP provides an online service to help you file your documents and act as the intermediary between you and the eFileIL system. Each EFSP offers a variety of additional services. You should evaluate which provider meets your filing needs (see EFSP comparison chart). You can change EFSP providers any time you wish, or use multiple EFSP providers if one offers a benefit for certain type(s) of filings. You do not have to re-register on eFileIL to change an EFSP or if you are using multiple EFSP’s.

Filers are responsible to ensure their filings are properly submitted. To assist, the eFileIL website lists the Configuration Standards and Procedures. Many of the EFSP’s also offer training videos and manuals that provide additional information on how to file utilizing that EFSP’s portal. Once you register with an EFSP, you do not need to re-register should you choose to use a different provider. You may simply log in with your existing username and password.

How to request a civil fee waiver

To start or respond to most court cases in Illinois there are fees which include: new case filing fees, appearance fees, fees to have the sheriff serve court documents, etc.  To ask the judge to let you participate in a court case for free or at a reduced cost based on your income, start by filling out an Application for Waiver of Court Fees (Civil) and Order on Application for Waiver of Court Fees (Civil).

Go to the Illinois Supreme Court’s website for more information about how to request a Civil Fee Waiver

How to file for an Exemption from e-filing

Illinois Supreme Court Rule 9(c)(4) allows for an exemption from E-Filing for good cause. If you are unable to E-File for any of the following reasons, complete a Certificate for Exemption from E-Filing form and include it with your paper filing

  • I am representing myself and do not have the internet or a computer in my home.
  • I am representing myself and have a disability that prevents me from E-Filing.
  • I am representing myself and have trouble reading, writing or speaking English.
  • I am filing a document in a sensitive case.

Common Reasons E-Filed Documents are Rejected

Below are some of the most common reasons for electronic filings to be rejected.  If you have questions about how to properly prepare your documents for e-Filing, please email to [email protected]


  • Multiple documents filed as a single PDF. Documents with different titles must be filed as separate documents. For example, Notice of Motion and Motion should be submitted as two separate PDF’s and must be uploaded as LEAD documents.
  • Exhibits filed as multiple PDFs. Exhibits must be attached to the documents they support and submitted as a single PDF.
  • No fee attached when filing requires payment, or vice versa. For example, filer selects “New Case” rather than “File into Existing Case”.
  • No Fee Waiver Application filed when filer selects “Waiver” payment option
  • Unreadable PDFs, document format errors (document too small to read, not 8.5×11” image size, etc.)
  • Scheduling errors (closed court date, wrong room, etc.), you must contact the Circuit Clerk’s office to select and/or schedule any motion or return dates prior to filing notices or summons that require court dates.
  • Court date, time and room left blank on submitted summons or notices. Court date, time and room must be filled in when submitting summons to be issued or filing notices.
  • Documents filed which are to be directly filed with the judge. Proposed orders, or any other documents which are to be filed directly with the judge cannot be accepted through e-filing at this time.
  • When uploading a Sheriff Service Information Sheet neglecting to select & pay the corresponding Sheriff service fees for each party to be served.
  • Selecting to pay Sheriff service fees for parties to be served, but not uploading a corresponding Sheriff Service Information Sheet.

Proposed Orders NOT accepted through e-Filing

The Circuit Clerk’s Office does not accept proposed orders through E-Filing. The 22nd Circuit provides email addresses that can be utilized to submit proposed or agreed orders to the Court. Any documents to be filed must be E-Filed with the Circuit Clerk. For more information and the guidelines for submission of proposed or agreed orders to the Court, see the 22nd Judicial Circuit’s website. Proposed orders are not accepted for Criminal Division cases. 

Proposed Orders Submission Guidelines

Civil Division Proposed Orders: [email protected]

Family Division Proposed Orders: [email protected]

E-Filing Local Rules

Effective September 8, 2015, McHenry County began accepting electronic filings in all case types with the exception of Wills (WI).  The 22nd Circuit adopted revised Local Rules for E-Filing to include Criminal E-Filing which became effective on September 8, 2015.

Place Your e-Filed documents for service with Sheriff

You can place your documents for service with the McHenry County Sheriff in one easy step when you E-File your documents with the Circuit Clerk at www.i2File.net.  Complete the Sheriff Service Instruction Sheet and upload this along with your other documents.  The Circuit Clerk will forward your documents to the Sheriff Civil Process Division for service, along with the Sheriff Service Instruction Sheet. 


The Sheriff service fees will be assessed along with your filing fees for payment by credit card.  The Sheriff Civil Process Division will file your completed Proof of Service with the Circuit Clerk. Your filed Proof of Service will be available for viewing/printing from your Attorney Access Portal account.