
The Eviction (EV) case category includes Commercial & Residential evictions and Ejectment actions. 

See the Illinois Supreme Court’s website for approved statewide Eviction forms, including forms and instructions for how to respond to an Eviction complaint and how to request to have an Eviction court file removed from Public Record.  

Emergency rental assistance may be available statewide through the Court-Based Rental Assistance Program (CBRAP).  You must have an eviction case in court to apply.  Visit www.illinoishousinghelp.org/cbrap for more information and a link to apply online.  

Free legal aid and mediation services are also available for Illinois residents who are either renters facing potential eviction or landlords not represented by a lawyer, at evictionhelpillinois.org or by calling 855-631-0811 or texting eviction to 844-938-4280.  
